Vol. 26:3


Released in Summer 2011.

“Adaptation” by Amy Guidry (acrylic on canvas, 36″ x 48″)

Click on the cover to read excerpts from this issue.


Category: Product ID: 2207



Jacqueline Taylor Marry Me Some More
Dionisia Morales The Language of Distance
Eson Kim Alfresco
Amelia Boldaji Skin
Katherine Malmo The Oxygenated World
Mary Cuffe Perez Hair
Megan Baptista Geist Homemaking
Elegy for a 1962 Ford Falcon Ranchero
Ruth Goring Maternal Gestures
Janlori Goldman No Matter How Hard
Kiala Givehand Grandma’s Almanac
E.I. Pruitt Should’ve Been
Bette Lynch Husted At Washington School
Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor After Reading a Letter from the Addict
Christine Johnson-Duell In Which My Daughter Chooses a Piece of Fruit
(Broken) Sonnet for Melinda
Ellen Savage Wasp Nest
Carol S. Westberg Tyranny of Dreams
Sarah A. Chavez About Grandma’s Hands
How Waitresses Walk Home
She Came Home Crying Again
Lisa Hammond Eleven
The Goddess Cleans Out Her Purse
Rebecca Lauren Asceticism
Lois Rosen First Communion
Alexandra Allen The Plasma Effect
Verónica Reyes Casitas: Bordered Home
Morning Doors: The Sky Blew Open
Kristin Laurel It’s been a year since I left
Amy Newday I Can’t Sleep, So I Burn My Underpants
Hannah Fries Burlesque
Claudia Cortese Cut a Hole and Pull You Through
White Noise
She wants
Shannon Amidon  Tenant
Elana Bell On a Hilltop at the Nassar Farm, Overlooking the
Settlement of Neve Daniel
Sherry Chandler Rebecca Boone Weaves a New Eden
Barbara Crooker Weather Report
Marian Willmott Counter Top
Faith Van De Putte For Margaret
Patricia Hale Transitional Landscape, March 2008
Terry Godbey Susan’s Eyes
Sarah Wetzel A Reflection Wavering
Paula Finn The Eyes
Constance Hanstedt The Ice Fisherman
Helen Klonaris Angel and Me
Crystal Wing Ariadne Sees Dr. Frank
Amy Guidry Freedom
Christine Wuenschel Self-Portrait #15
Self-Portrait #12
Marie Le Glatin Kleis Plérin, Côtes-du-Nord, Brittany, France
Plage en Bretagne (Beach in Brittany)
San Pedro de Tlacolula, Oaxaca, Mexico
Mercado de Tlacolula, Oaxaca, Mexico
Alethea Norene Number Three
Remembering Domesticity
RoByn Thompson Back
Kathline Carr Three-falling-text, Sketches
Three Birds
 Lu Alternatives to Dissociation
Molester I
Overwhelmed (Bird Speaks to Nest in Head)
Julie R. Enszer The Best of It: New and Selected Poems by Kay Ryan
Mary Kaiser Handmade Love  by Julie R. Enszer
Edythe Haendel Schwartz Self-Portrait with Crayon  by Allison Benis White
Mapping the Sands  by Geraldine Zetzel
Lauren E. Tyrrell Approaching Ice  by Elizabeth Bradfield
Alyse Bensel Under Glass: The Girl with a Thousand Christmas Trees by Jen Hirt
Kristin Clapper Bergsman A Homemade Life: Stories and Recipes from My Kitchen by Molly Wizenberg
Julie R. Enszer Radiant Daughter by Patricia Grossman
Tara Menon The geometry of god by Uzma Aslam Khan