Vol. 24:3


Released in Summer 2008.

“Raquel’s Request” by Jessica Perry (24″x18″, acrylic)

Click on the cover to read excerpts from this issue.


Category: Product ID: 2214



Radhika Kumar Step to the Future
Stephanie Dickinson Unity Cloud
L.E. Miller Part Bat
R.A. Rycraft Covenant
Marie Manilla Childproof
Lois Klein Breaking the Code
Into the Ark
Maria Ercilla The Raffle Winner
Fran Markover Why I’m Giving You Moishe’s Mandolin
Cindy Stewart-Rinier Train to Chemawa, 1924
Claudia Van Gerven The Quiet Ones
Paulann Petersen Remedy
Mary Makofske Jacob, Three and a Half Months Old, Tells Me a Story
My Father, 1928
Why I’ll Want You at My Deathbed
Amy Hoffmann Peach Season
1-800-Tech Support
Kim Goldberg Tidal Pull
H.K. Hummel Bird Watching on a Moped
P. Hurshell In Winter
Judy Kronenfeld This War
Angie Chuang In Kabul
Patricia Colleen Murphy The Idea of Berries
Fran Forman Letting Go
Hovering Child
Girl with a Braid
Mo Ringey Ironing Board and Iron
Wringer Washing Machine
Jessica Perry Nan
Leah Piken Kolidas Dreaming of the Seven Sisters
Memory Cycles
Raquel Partnoy Elaine de Kooning
Lee Miller
Camille Claudel
Tina Modotti
Angelina Beloff
Kathleen Gerard Matawan
Julie R. Enszer A Is for Anne: Mistress Hutchison Disturbs the Commonwealth by Penelope Scambly Schott
Judith Barrington The Human Line by Ellen Bass
Jennifer MacPherson Pulse & Constellation  by Judith H. Montgomery
Gail Pearlman True North/Nord Vrai  by Jody Aliesan
Frances Payne Adler Intimate Politicis: How I Grew Up Red, Fought for Free Speech, and Became a Feminist Rebel by Bettina Aptheker
Ingrid Wendt Line Dance by Barbara Crooker
Rosalie Morales Kearns The Strangler Figs and Other Tales: Field Notes of a Conservationist by Mary A. Hood
Barbara Crooker Eden in the Rearview Mirror by Susan Elbe