Woman Pissing takes Picasso’s bravado-soaked declaratives and subjects those claims to a bloodletting. Cooperman’s narrator invokes Julian Barnes’ assertion that Picasso dramatically simplified art. One page later Cooperman demonstrates thus: Because Bonnard kept watching the sky, it became a dozen different colors. / How hilarious that Bonnard cannot paint a sky blue! thought Picasso.”

Enjoy this audio recording of McKenzie Watson-Fore’s review of Woman Pissing by Elizabeth Cooperman from Vol. 34:2 of CALYX Journal! Buy your copy here!

McKenzie Watson-Fore is a writer, artist, and critic currently based in her hometown of Boulder, Colorado. She holds an MFA in Writing from Pacific University. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Write or Die magazine, Psaltery & Lyre, Full Stop, and elsewhere. She can be found at MWatsonFore.com or drinking tea on her back porch.