Photo credit Perry Jonsson
“It wasn’t until my fourth or fifth sip of tea this morning that I noticed Miss Nancy Carson was missing her eyebrows. I promptly set the cup down and stared at her across the breakfast table. I wanted to make certain she had not simply hidden her brows under too much white pomade. The girl is at an age where she has begun to prepare her toilette, and painting takes practice to master. But her brows were not covered up. They were gone.”
Enjoy this audio recording of “Feminine Absurdities” by Carly Brown from Vol. 33:3 of CALYX Journal! Buy your copy here!
Dr. Carly Brown is a poet and fiction writer originally from Austin, Texas and now living in Edinburgh, Scotland. She is the author of a bestselling children’s picture book, two poetry pamphlets and a literary sci-fi novella: All the Orphans in the Galaxy. She holds a Doctorate of Fine Arts and an MLitt in Creative Writing (with Distinction) from the University of Glasgow. Her PhD, ‘A Matter of Loyalty: Engaging with America’s Revolutionary Past as a Creative Writer’, explored how creative writers access the 18th century past. She’s currently working on a historical short story collection, as well as a sci-fi novel. She frequently blogs about 18th century history and books over on her website: https://carlyjbrown.com.