“Dark still. Her father loads her arms with bottles of the Jersey’s milk,
and wordless, turns her out under the stern Iowa stars.
She is hardly taller than the snowdrifts.
Stocking-capped head down, she sets out to meet the disapproving wind.”
Enjoy this audio recording of “My Mother Delivers the Milk, 1930″ by Stephanie Striffler from Vol. 35:1 of CALYX Journal! Buy your copy here!
Stephanie Striffler is a former lawyer for the people of Oregon. Her poems have been published in various publications, including CALYX Journal, Timberline Review, Persimmon Tree, Tar River Poetry, and Denver Quarterly. She finds joy and solace in birding and has observed eight species of sparrow in her Portland yard.
1 Comment
What a beautiful poem, and a beautiful reading. I love the haunting call to the mother across time!
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