“It all starts, Margaret will see later, with the old voicemail that plays through her earbuds on the train to work one morning in the first September Cara is gone. In that moment Cara begins to be resurrected, meticulously pruned, like a bonsai. I have some exciting news, she says, not really Cara but only the captured sound waves that are all that’s left of her by then. I need to tell you about it. And I want to hear what’s up with you. Okay, love you. Call me.

Enjoy this audio recording of “Red Rover” by Julia Rose Greider from Vol. 34:3 of CALYX Journal! Buy your copy here!

Julia Rose Greider lives in New Hampshire and works in Vermont as a public librarian. Her fiction has previously been published in Nat. Brut and West Trade Review, and she’s an alum of the Kenyon Review Writers Workshop.

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