“Brick Heart” by DJ Gaskin
“Brick Heart” by DJ Gaskin

Enjoy this audio recording of “Brick Heart” by DJ Gaskin from Vol. 28:2 of CALYX Journal! Buy the full issue here. DJ Gaskin has published poetry in Gargoyle, SLAB, The Comstock Review, Iodine Poetry Journal, DeepWater Literary Review, Ars Medica and others. She also has work in two anthologies and was a finalist in Arlington, Virginia’s “Moving Words” contest. DJ’s

U. of Wisconsin 1995 by Malisa Garlieb
U. of Wisconsin 1995 by Malisa Garlieb

Enjoy this audio recording of “U. of Wisconsin 1995” by Malisa Garlieb from Vol. 28:2 of CALYX Journal! Buy the full issue here. Malisa Garlieb is a Waldorf teacher living and working in Shelburne, VT. Her poems have been published in Off the Coast, Painted Bride Quarterly, Lines + Stars, and Compass Rose, among others.  Her first book, Recurring Down-slurred Trill, is forthcoming by Sunridge

Memento Mori by Joan Roberta Ryan
Memento Mori by Joan Roberta Ryan

Enjoy this audio recording of “Memento Mori” by Joan Ryan from Vol. 28:2 of CALYX Journal! Buy the full issue here. Joan Roberta Ryan is the author of the poetry collection Dark Ladies & Other Avatars (3: A Taos Press, 2017).  Her poems have been published in Atlanta Review, Nimrod, The Sow’s Ear Review, Spillway, Naugatuck River Review,