This is the Place Where Sound Was Born by Bonny Barry Sanders

Enjoy this audio recording of “This is the Place Where Sound Was Born” by Bonny Barry Sanders from issue 28:3 of CALYX Journal! Buy the full issue here. Bonny Barry Sanders’ poems have been published in Blueline, Chattahoochee Review, The Christian Science Monitor, Connecticut Review, Carolina Quarterly, Ibbetson Street, Florida Review, The Louisiana Review, Puckerbrush Review, and The

Recalculating by Jennifer Burd
Recalculating by Jennifer Burd

Enjoy this audio recording of “Recalculating” by Jennifer Burd from issue 28:3 of CALYX Journal! Buy the full issue here. Jennifer Burd has had poetry published in numerous print and online journals. She is author of two full-length books of poetry, Days’ Late Blue  (2017; Cherry Grove Collections) and Body and Echo (2010; PlainView Press), a chapbook with CD of