Book Reviews


We welcome reviews of books by women, especially those that would otherwise receive little critical attention. We like to be consistent, and we offer these guidelines so reviewers can approach the task of reviewing with these issues in mind. A sample review is available using the link above, and we encourage reviewers to consult it as a reference for our desired style and literary approach.


• Submit online by clicking the link at the top of this page or by submitting a hard copy manuscript.

Our address is:

PO Box B

Corvallis, OR 97339

*If you submit online* and your submission is accepted for publication, please request a review copy from the author or publisher and have it sent to CALYX at the address listed above, or you can email an internal content review PDF to We will need a copy of the manuscript for proofing purposes.

• Book reviews go through our Journal editorial process like all other submissions. Acceptance of a review for publication depends on the decision of the Journal Editorial Collective.


• Reviews should be double-spaced and from 500 to a maximum of 1500 words.

• Note: There is no fee for submitting book reviews.

• As much as possible, we would like our reviews to be on books that have been published in the last year (give or take). However, if you feel that a slightly older book is worth highlighting in CALYX, please make a note of your reasons when you submit your review.

• Please include a 50-word biographical statement. If you are submitting a hard copy manuscript, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE).

• The following information must be listed in a paragraph at the beginning of the review:


(1) COMPLETE BOOK TITLE (All caps, italics), (2) Author’s full name [or editor’s, and translator if needed] (Caps & lower case, italics). (3) Publisher’s name and complete street address, (4) Year of publication, (5) Number of pages, (6) Price (cloth and/or paper), (7)Publisher’s website.


  • Include in your review both a judgment of the quality of the writing and an analysis of the content of the work, together in an overall statement of why the book is worth reading.
  • Quotations should be used to illustrate a point within the context of the review, not just because you like them. Don’t quote more than you need to make your point, but enough to give the flavor of the book. CALYX Journal style in reviews is to put all direct quotations in italics. The title of a poem should always be given with each quotation from that poem. Please include page numbers when quoting from the source. It will not be included in the final version, but it makes our proofing process infinitely easier.
  • The review should be appropriate to the work being reviewed, e.g., a review of a book of poems will probably concentrate on the language while a review of an autobiography might give some background about the subject’s life.
  • Put the book in context as appropriate—in the context of women’s writing, Black writing, this author’s writing, etc.
  • Give some analysis of what the writer is saying—or not saying—about women.
  • Where appropriate, comment on the publisher and/or format and physical appearance of the book.
  • There is a fine line between drawing intelligent, relevant conclusions from the book you are reviewing and merely getting off the subject.
  • We believe that a good review excites one to read the book, contains conjecture, emotional response, and tells the reader something that is not already obvious.

Reviews submitted by March 1 will be considered for the Summer issue, and those submitted by September 1 for the Winter issue. We are always open for submissions of reviews. Again, please be familiar with the reviews in CALYX Journal for style.